Things My Fore-Sisters Saw

In-Person, Online
Number of participants
In-person: 300, Video: 500, Online Q&A: 60
Black Legacy, North American History
Seniors, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
About this program
Participants will meet four women of African descent who effected significant social change in Canada: Marie-Joseph Angelique, a slave in Montreal; Rose Fortune, the first policewoman in North America; Mary-Ann Shad, educator and journalist and Viola Desmond who wouldn’t give in to segregation. Participants will understand how the actions of these women have shaped our lives in Canada.
(Grades 5 – 6 with with pre-performance preparation)
Curriculum Links
Dramatic interpretation of history; contributions of visible minorities; explain and demonstrate the use of different patterns in creating effects; recognize appropriate themes; evaluate the quality of a drama performance.
Available in Ottawa from March 31st to April 4th, 2025 and in GTA from April 7-11, 2025
Eastern Ontario, Western Quebec, and Windsor-Essex region fees:
One performance: $925 + HST*
Combine with 1 performance of Harriet Is My Hero: 2 performances: $1,275 + HST*
$1.50 per each additional participant up to 350 participants.
GTA's fees:
One performance: $1,250 + HST*
For other regions, please contact MASC for pricing.
Venues over 25 km from Ottawa centre will be charged a travel fee for artist’s transportation costs.
Online Video On Demand
One performance: 65 minutes video + 20 minute Q& A session $480
One performance: 65 minutes video + 60 minute Q& A session $580
Published fees are for schools; fees for other settings are subject to change.
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