Just Aïssi

About the Artist
African culture true ambassador for nearly 20 years, Just Aïssi promotes the heritage of his culture through dance… and boots! With his Gumboot dance workshops, he has developed an innovative concept, combining dance, theatrical mimicry, music, physical activity and culture.
We have no instruments, so we ARE the instruments.
Artist's Programs
Curriculum Links
How forms and styles of dance reflect people’s different social and political roles in various communities, times and places; how dance styles reflect the beliefs and traditions of diverse communities, how social, political and economic factors influenced the emergence and development of a genre of dance; tempo, rhythm, effort, force and quality of dance elements; communication and harmony within a group. **Sessions for Kindergarten to Grade 2 students are 30 minutes each. Maximum 5 sessions per day. **For venues located more than 50 km from the centre of Ottawa, an additional fee of $100 + HST will be charged, in addition to the usual transportation fees.
Artistic Disciplines
Black, Culturally Diverse, Francophone, Men+, Person of Colour
Children ages 5 - 11, Children ages 12 - 18, Junior Kindergarten, Senior Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Language Proficiency
English, French
Just Aïssi in action