We are incredibly proud of Muram Idris, a talented young filmmaker whose journey began in the MASC Awesome Arts program in Sandy Hill, in partnership with the Sandy Hill Community Health Centre. With funding from TELUS Friendly Future Foundation, United Way East Ontario and the City of Ottawa, Muram had the opportunity to explore the world of film through hands-on workshops, discovering the power of storytelling and self-expression.

Muram participated in numerous programs, but most notably was her involvement in Tina LeMoine’s Stop Motion workshop series in 2013 and the Cinepoem program with Jamaal Amir Akbari, Craig Conoley and Randy Kelly in 2015.

Now, her short film is set to screen at the Ottawa Black Film Festival on March 29th at 3 p.m. In this interview, Muram reflects on her experience in the Awesome Arts program and how it shaped her path to studying film. In her own words, Muram shared how her experiences through the Awesome Arts program help spark and feed the flame of her passion for filmmaking.


I really enjoyed my experience at awesome arts because it was something new I never thought I would have the chance to explore or even be a part of. During my time with Tina and my peers at the stop motion workshops, learning and being part of the process of creating a story, building sets and everything else involved in the production was an exciting feeling. Leaving this workshop I learned so much and knew at that moment it wouldn’t be the last time, I needed that feeling again. Working with Jamaal on my poem, and eventually turning that poem into a video with Craig and Randy, taught me that art can be so personal. The entire process opened my young eyes that making art in the form of film is a vital method of self-expression for me.

I find film brings people together. As idealistic as that might sound, when there is a vulnerability attached to a piece of art, no matter the degree, there are others who can relate. I find this type of connection makes art effective. Alongside that, I love the collaboration that goes into filmmaking. When working with others, I find I learn so much, and vice versa. These different perspectives I learn I find better me, my work, and others.

I honestly don’t think I would have gone off to study film if not for the program and my high school film teacher. Growing up where and how I did, working in the arts, let alone film, was never a possibility in my mind. It seemed so far away as a child, impossible. But after doing the awesome arts program I came to the realization of how doable simply creating is, no matter one’s resources, I found determination was the biggest skill to hone.In high school, I attended École secondaire De La Salle, and I was a part of the cinema program. I never intended at all to study film post-secondary. It wasn’t until my cinema teacher, Nicole Blundell, encouraged me to at least apply. I was doubtful, but to my surprise, I was accepted into Concordia’s film production program.

Programs such as Awesome Arts are vital to the youth. These programs bridge the gap, giving equal opportunities to all the youth. The opportunity to explore oneself as an artist is very important in my opinion. It may not be for everyone, but we never know until we try, and you might surprise yourself. There is a little artist in all of us, and it is reassuring to know there are programs that are ready to foster this no matter who you are.