Environmental Art

English, French Immersion
Visual Arts
Number of participants
Children ages 5 - 11, Children ages 12 - 18, Junior Kindergarten, Senior Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
About this program
Following an overview of the land-art discipline, participants are invited to develop their creativity and use their senses while manipulating various natural elements such as: branches, stones, flowers, fruit, snow, etc. Each workshop is adapted to the school, the site or a subject and results in a collective artwork, a permanent or ephemeral installation, or an exhibition.
Curriculum Links
Recognition and usage of lines, textures and shapes; esthetics; conception and production of two- and three-dimensional artworks; observation and analysis of the environment and of the sculptures; communication of ideas and emotions.
In person
One 2 ½ hour session $355 + HST
Two 2 ½ hour sessions $535 + HST
Materials dependent on project.
Published fees are for schools; fees for other settings are subject to change.
Venues over 25km from Ottawa centre will be charged a travel fee for artist's transportation costs.
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