
The Evolution of B-Boying


English, French Immersion




In-Person, Online

Number of participants



Black Legacy, North American History


All ages, Children ages 5 - 11, Children ages 12 - 18, Seniors, Junior Kindergarten, Senior Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12

About this program

B-boying and B-girling (street dance), born in the early 1970s, is an integral component of contemporary black history and hip-hop culture. This dynamic street dance now has a significant international following and reputation. In addition to its roots in Funk music and African American culture, the powerful acrobatic aspects of B-boying, or “breaking”, make it one of the most unique dances in the world.
Dancer-choreographer Crazy Smooth brings together some of Canada’s best street dancers to present a show that will amaze and inspire participants and teachers alike, while educating them on the evolution of the dance, its culture and music.

Curriculum Links



In person - Available from May 26-28, 2025

One performance: 1 hour $1200* + HST

*Additional travel fees will be charged on top of the usual transportation fees. For venues located 50 km beyond Ottawa ($100); more than 100 km ($150).


Online - Video On Demand

One performance: 1 hour (40-minute video + 20-minute live discussion with the artist) $680 + HST

Each additional meeting: $60 + HST

Maximum: 500 participants for the video, 60 participants for the meeting


Published fees are for schools; fees for other settings are subject to change.

Venues over 25km from Ottawa centre will be charged a travel fee for artist's transportation costs.

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